Please note, for a donation above £1000, use Cash and Cheque option and donate directly via bank transfer. We can only take up to a maximum of £1000 on card payment..
For those who want to pay direct into bank account either cash or cheque,
please see SIS bank details below:
Account Name: Scarborough Islamic Society
Bank Name: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-40-22
Account Number: 31504754
IBAN: Gb27MIDL40402231504754
Once donated then please kindly fill out the Gift Aid Form.
If you would like to make regular donation via Standing Order Mandate, please download the Standing Order Mandate Form, fill it and send it to the address below:
Scarborough Islamic Society,
Unit 62, Roscoe Street
North Yorkshire,
YO12 7BY,
United Kingdom.
We will then send the form onto your bank.
Also, if you want to donate other valuable materials and resources or volunteer yourself, contact us using the contact form.
We welcome and appreciate your contributions however small in any of these:
Building Materials
Skilled Labour
Decoration Materials and so on.